Sir Paul McCartney - The Beatles

Christmas is definitely here! Santa put a little cheer in the holidays by having Paul McCartney wear Rockmount on national TV. Papa Jack would have been impressed. Even Colter, my 12 year old son (who thinks Green Day is bigger than The Beatles), gets how cool it is.

I don't watch SNL often but turned it on by chance, and am glad I did -- Paul McCartney!

When I saw him in the first shirt, a vintage satin shirt we made in the 70s and reissued a few years ago it raised my blood pressure. Then I saw the second one, a cover shot, and I nearly managed to stay up to watch the entire show!

I texted everyone I could while watching the show. People love this. My roommate from college in England wrote back "Wow, maccer is a snapper!" (This must be Brit speak -- think tabloids...)

This has resonance like when Eric Clapton invited me to the Cream reunion. I met Paul briefly in the Green Room after the concert. I was too embarrassed to actually have a conversation with him. In fact, I could have taken photos but was trying to stay cool. Tom Hanks came up to speak with us and we did get a photo with him, taken by Ringo. I just could not bring myself to get photos with the others....

Here are two photos. I especially like the one with the logo.

Paul McCartney in Rockmount on SNL

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